Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 2

After meeting and dining with the homestay families for lunch, the Trinity boys could not be complementary enough of how welcoming the St Xavier families had been for them in their short period they had been together.  Happy faces greeted us, somewhat relieved because of their positive experiences with the homestays for our trip to Purcell High School.

Game 1 
Freshman win 44 to 17
Somewhat nervous but very excited, the Freshman started the Tour well, coming out of the blocks strong and scored the first points through two quick baskets. All players got plenty of minutes with some classy team play. Harry Dunn showed some silky skills with a beautiful drive and ghosted through the key for a lay up, while Ryan Marinak drained a big three pointer early to get the green machine going. Patrick Di Giannantonio provided some great court vision with a quick outlet passes from the defensive end resulting in easy fast break baskets for Trinity. Jed Keogh proved to be the banker, dominating the game and ending up with 10 points in a side that lead start to finish.
JV loss 50 to 39
John Bechara opened the scoring for Trinity with a strong put back under the hoop after some fine rebounding by Joseph Fayed who dominated the boards early. In a first quarter both Trinity and Purcell found it hard to score, proving that defence dominated the game. A more free flowing second quarter saw more baskets scored though Trinity went into the long break 6 points down, 17 to 23. In the second half Trinity battled hard but struggled to put the ball in the net, too often the bounce of the ball going against the greens when on the rim. Coach Treloar rotated his bench trying to get the combination right however the team struggled to get some rhythm with the ball and Purcell proving strong on the fast break. The last quarter Trinity kept pace with Cavaliers with Jeremiah Romeo trying hard to spark the team.
Varsity Lost 99 to 56
Once again Trinity opened the scoring for the game with a basket to Max Peters from a slashing drive. Some extremely quick play, high pressure defence in the Trinity back court and some sharp shooting by Purcell saw them fly out to a 19 to 6 lead in the first quarter. The hustle by the Cavaliers when they didn't have the ball came at a cost with a number if fouls being committed gifting the greens some shots from the charity stripe. Trinity worked hard to get the scores closer and had the difference back to 8 at the the end of the quarter. The second half was another open affair with points flowing from both teams. Lucas Angelakos was the spark on offence and Max Peters continuing to hustle hard all the time. Half time saw Purcell ahead 58 to 30. The pace and speed of the game continued during the second half and had Purcell winning the third quarter 19 to 15 and maintaining their overall lead. The final quarter coach Morrissey was able to blood a number of first time caps in the top team with Tom Dickinson, Ryan Maranik and Julius Truong making their debut and having an immediate impact.