Monday 1 December 2014

Day 4 at UC

Today the Trinity boys went to school with their host families to St Xavier where they realized that the 8.25 start at Summer Hill is late compared to the 8am one here. A short travel across town, where the bus was a buzz with noise comparing each other's homestay Sunday, to University of Cincinatti where they were taken on a tour of the college. 

Boys were in awe of the amazing facilities here, which are incredible compared to home. The boys visited the football locker room, the weights room and a variety of college sports resources. After the tour a lecture by Professor Brady on "American Sports Culture ". He highlighted the link between American Sports and the love of Americans with watching sports and the phenomenal cash injected by TV and media rights. A question and answer period followed with some great questions and debate posed by the Trinity students. Complications on player/student payment, scholarships and the business of college sport.

Proceeding the lecture the college generously put on lunch for the group and a visit to the college bookstore saw the boys buy souvenirs of their experience.