Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dec 2nd, A day at school as a St Xavier student

Today boys came to school with their St Xavier homestay families at 7.30am and were allocated a local student to pit up the day with. They went to classes with these boys to learn about classes and lessons that were taught in US schools. Some comments from Thomas Mackenzie below.

"Boys met their shadow student for the day at 7:50 and then attended their four morning classes such as History, Spanish, Science and Scripture. In class both the teachers and students were more interested in us Aussies rather then getting on with the prepared lessons. They asked us about home, if we had pizza in Australia and if we drove here from Sydney! After this we all had lunch in the school's canteen where the majority of us had pizza. "

After lunch, feeling the need to improve themselves, the boys called a training session and headed to the gym to prepare for the game that evening.