Tuesday 2 December 2014

Match Report v St Xavier

Game 3 v St Xavier 
Freshman loss 70 to 34
After a day at school the boys were keen to get rid of their school uniform and get their basketball kit on and hit the court. St Xavier scored off the tip off, an omen for the first quarter as they were hot with the ball. Ollie Davis scored two nice baskets on the left hand side with lane. Too often the Freshman threw cross court passes that were picked  off and gifting St Xavier easy baskets. Coach Barnes called for better defence for the second half which was evident early with a number of  "stops" and baskets for Trinity. Ryan Marinak, Jed Keogh and Ben LaRusso battled hard and the effort was there though St Xavier were too good.
JV loss 66 to 16
In an exciting opening exchange Trinity had  better application to defence, showing greater steel than on previous nights. Jared Phillis opened the scoring for the side after some nice passes from Julius Truong and Matt Gleeson.  In a low scoring game, Trinity's effort and desire improved in the second half with change in defensive system. Trinity created many good scoring chances, though finishing off these plays proved very costly. St Xavier needed to take the long shot, because of tighter defence in the key, though this was dangerous at St Xavier had the hot hand, regularly nailing the three. A disappointing final quarter gave away too many points to easily.

Varsity loss 79 to 27
A very patient but physical opening exchanges showed that there had been some honest reflection from the Trinity players. Though being outclassed by their play, Trinity  battled hard and were earning some respect from the opposition and crowd. Down 37 to 15 at half time, all players had certainly improved. St Xavier's desire to have the ball and control possession while playing with pace and speed was enviable. It was obvious that the team is missing the presence, offensive threat and creativity of Jayden Tanevski, trying hard to fill his valuable shoes. The absence of a  shot clock enables teams to hold possession and not shoot has been hurting this team. Persistence wand perseverance are the lessons to be learned here. Jake Kerry improved tonight playing his best game of tour, taking more responsibility in leading the team with the ball. Callum Price continues to battle hard under the hoop against some bigger and more athletic opposition and continues to look more comfortable with the level and pace of the game here in the states.