Thursday 18 December 2014

Free time, Disneyland, Clippers and Outlet mall

Today was a great day. Boys headed to Disneyland and did what teenage boys do best, eat, hang out and enjoy themselves. This was easy to do at the "Happiest place on earth!".
After this we went to the Stapels Centre to watch the LA Clippers v Indiana Pacers which was an awesome experience. A number of other Australian schools were in the crowd  who had been on basketball tours as well. These schools reported their experiences of California, somewhat minor compared to the expanse that the Trinity boys had done.

Today we farewell a number of boys who are staying on in the US and head to an outlet mall, to satisfy the boys new found pleasures of shopping, before heading home.

Parents are reminded to collect their boys from Sydney airport on Saturday morning around 6.30am.